Welcome to IDK Tool!

IDK is the only tool you need to automate your tasks.

Getting Started

Your "idkconfig.json" file will look like this:

	"webhook": "",
	"key": "",
	"mailslurp_key": [""],
	"onlinesim_key": "",
	"smsactivate_key": "",
	"chrome_idk": "LEAVE_EMPTY",
	"2captcha": "",

Be aware to fill all the needed fields!

Fill it and you'll have something like that :

	"webhook": "WEBHOOK_LINK",
	"mailslurp_key": ["KEY"],
	"onlinesim_key": "KEY",
	"smsactivate_key": "KEY",
	"chrome_idk": "",
	"2captcha": "KEY",

Leave "chrome_idk" EMPTY!

General Info

We support RANDOM for Name and Surname Fields.

We support RANDOM@catchall for Email Fields.

Multi-Threading (running all tasks at the same moment) is NOT supported at the moment.

M1 Macs are required a different version, you will find everything into our Discord Server!

Last updated